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The 3 Major Changes in Sea Freight Shipping for Greener Business

sea freight shipping

If you want to make your shipping methods greener, all you need to do is use recycled boxes and bags to ship your items out. But for the sea freight shipping industry, going green is a little bit trickier. Not only do things like fuel and ship structure need to be accounted for, but other issues like efficiency and safety also need to be taken into consideration and ultimately changed to allow better, more sustainable shipping methods.

But that doesn’t mean that change isn’t happening for cargo companies and American cargo shipping organizations. Rather, change is happening all the time and it will continue to happen in the future. Here’s a quick look at some of the greener changes that sea freight shipping industries are looking to make.

Stricter Ship Scrapping Regulations
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted guidelines all the way back in 2009 for safer and more sustainable ship recycling. But since adopting these guidelines at the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, only a select few countries have agreed to abide by them. So the key to the future is enforcing these guidelines on a universal scale.

Better Port Management
Planning any project involves a high level of awareness, and moving forward with the knowledge of environmental issues could make for better port management and project planning in the future. Port management organizations around the world have implemented sustainable planning initiatives. From shipping agents in the U.S. to Dominicana shipping agents, these more sustainable plans will affect shipping in a big way.

Improving Emissions
Higher standards for fuel emissions, especially in sea freight shipping, could make a huge difference in how eco-friendly the shipping industry is. Even by just reducing the sulfur content in fuel, it’s possible to eliminate almost 97% of marine fuel pollution.

Going green is something that’s spreading worldwide. Freight, air, and sea shipping all have different regulations, but each branch of the shipping world is constantly evolving. Organizations around the world are all doing their part to create better, greener regulations that will ultimately help the planet.

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