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3 Shipping Tips for Entrepreneurs

shipping tips

Starting out as an entrepreneur can be demanding. If you are like most entrepreneurs just starting out, then you are probably on a shoestring budget.  Looking for ways to save without sacrificing quality can be challenging — especially when it comes to shipping.

If your business requires that you ship merchandise, then you probably already know how complicated it can be for any business. If you plan poorly, then you could end up paying too much for shipping. However, just going with the cheapest option could result in poor delivery for your customers, which could very well likely cost you business down the road. So, it pays to keep up with the latest shipping tips and tricks. Here are 3 shipping tips for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

#1 Share a Container Space

If you have shipments that are less than a whole container load, which is sometimes known as LCL, then consider consolidating your load. A freight consolidation service can combine your load with other shipments to create a full container load. This can save a lot of money.

#2 Focus on Efficiency

Figuring out how to meet your customer’s needs is key when it comes to success. Customers expect to receive packages fast. Make sure that you have a streamlined handling process in place so that each step in the shipping process is efficient. Also, ensure that your staff understands the process and follows through consistently.

#3 Improve Accuracy

If your database contains inaccurate customer information, then your shipments will not arrive at their destination in a timely manner. Inaccurate information can cause a headache for you and anger your customers. Make sure that you have a process in place to verify all shipping information is correct and continually look for ways to improve your accuracy.

The above three shipping tips will help you save money and improve customer satisfaction.  Both of which are crucial for the long-term success of any business.


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