Anatomy of a Shipping Container

When it comes to air and ocean cargo Miami is a major player. If you are ever in the city, you have probably seen the ships loaded down with huge shipping containers. While they may look like simple, metal bins, the containers themselves are actually quite complex structures. Once you learn more about this anatomy of this structure, you will better understand its importance in the freight and cargo industry.
The official name for one of these freight containers is an “intermodal container.” It is a resealable steel box that offers safe and efficient shipping of all types of cargo. The main benefit of this container is that it can easily go from cargo ship to train to truck. This offers one of the easiest methods of shipping products long distances.
Each of these containers has a door at one end that allows for easy loading and unloading. Additionally, the container is fitted with fasteners that allow multiple cubes to be stacked on a ship or to secure the container to a truck bed or train. The inside of the container is relatively straightforward—it is a simple metal structure. The makeup allows for easy cleaning and clearing out in case different materials are shipped.
While many who take advantage of the air and cargo options Miami offers will never be close enough to one of these containers to actually touch it, knowing more about the structure can help you rest easy. There are new developments underway that may allow for even more convenient shipping in the future. This is something everyone involved in manufacturing and shipping will appreciate!