E-commerce Retailers – Do You Have Your Holiday Shipping Strategy In Place?

Holiday shoppers are expected to spend more this year than last, according to the latest statistics. Retail shopping over the holiday season is expected to increase to $682 billion this year. This is a big jump from last year’s holiday sales of $655 billion. E-commerce holiday sales are expected to hit an all-time high this year. They will grow an estimated 16 percent from last year. These statistics are great news for ecommerce retailers.
If you are an online retailer, having a solid holiday shipping strategy will help you handle the rush and make the most money this holiday. Here are some tips to help you get a good shipping strategy in place.
Do not ignore the importance of Free Shipping
According to Business Insider, a 71 percent of online holiday shoppers say they plan to take advantage of free shipping. Free shipping is the most popular extra offered. Price matching and other policies are not as important to consumers as free shipping. To make sure that you stay profitable, consider instituting a minimum order amount for free shipping. This has been shown to increase sales. Customers are more likely to increase their order for free shipping.
Pack Orders The Right Way
When you are getting your customer’s orders ready, make sure that you are cost-effectively packing your products. Use a sturdy box that provides at least a couple of inches for cushioning. Make sure that you don’t use too much packing material. This can backfire and end up damaging the item. If the sides of the box look like they might burst open, then you have too much material. If you have questions about packing your orders, ask a shipping expert. They can work with you to ensure that your shipments are packed the right way.
Make Sure Your Products Are Delivered On Time
One way to quickly lose customers and sabotage your reputation is to ignore the importance of the right shipping partner. You must work with a knowledgeable and experienced shipping company that can handle a high volume of shipments. This will help ensure that your customers receive their orders on time.