How Freight Consolidation Can Save You and Your Customers Money

If you manufacture and/or distribute consumer or business to business goods, you understand that getting these products to your customers quickly and affordably can be the difference between having a thriving business and one that’s teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. One good way for small to medium-sized companies to compete with large corporations is to take advantage of a freight consolidation company.
How using a freight consolidation company can benefit you and your customers
1. You can save time and money. By working with a freight consolidation company, you can take advantage of full container pricing without having to wait until you have enough orders to fill an entire container. That also means you can keep your customer happy by getting your products to your them more quickly.
2. You can use multiple forms of transportation. When you use a freight consolidation company, you aren’t limited to a single form of transportation. You can use whatever method makes to most sense for your individual project and customer.
3. You’ll reduce your risk. By placing your orders in the hands of a freight consolidation company, you don’t have to worry about wear and tear on your own trucks and equipment as well as liability for your drivers.
4. You’ll have better control of the distribution process. When you work with a freight consolidation company like JML, you have more options and are thus more in control of how and when your customer orders are shipped.
To learn more about how your company can help your customers save money by using a freight consolidation company, contact JML at (insert contact information.) We’ve been providing distribution and freight solutions for companies like yours since 2003.